Gianmarco David
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Gianmarco David
Nothing is true until proven otherwise
Nothing is true until proven, at least if you care that what you think is as accurate as possible. Besides, whose burden is it to bring that proof?
FIRE Starter
I (re)start my journey towards FIRE. No, I don’t want to burn to death. I mean the movement for Financial Independence & Retire Early.
How can you have an opinion?
A self-cathartic reflection on a doubt I’ve had recently: how does one form an opinion? (One worth believing in).
How (not) to get rich — The survivorship bias
The world of information is full of resources that want to teach us to become wealthy or successful, starting from analyzing who has made it. Does it make sense?
Making the right choices for the wrong reasons
I have a problem with intentions. But worse, I have a problem with people who give them too much importance and forget about the rest.
Thinking for yourself
What does critical thinking mean? Depending on how we define and interpret it, it can be different things: from a “good heuristic” to “baffling nonsense.”
How to never fail
Are you afraid of failure? No problem, there is no such thing. Just learn to never fail.
Learning to have fun, *hard*
I don’t know how to have fun and probably you don’t either. I don’t mean we don’t know how to pass the time. I mean we do it in a non-optimal way. We need to learn to have fun, hard.
How to write better (maybe)
Writing is a critical activity, not just when you keep a blog or newsletter, but in various contexts. I decided I want to learn how to do it right, and I researched. In this article, I explain what I understood and my plan to improve.
How I invest following Warren Buffett's dead-simple advice
I invest regularly but I don’t think about it 99.97% of the time. How? By following a super simple rule
Swinging between quality and quantity
Quantity and quality. What to focus on? It’s a question I ask myself from time to time and that I came recently back to. What’s the answer?
Learning to love your future self
You don’t love yourself. Or rather, you care about your present self but don’t give a damn about your future self. And this is true for me too. Why are we like this and what can we do about it?
How I learned to never forget anything
My memory is unreliable. I don’t forget everything, but I won’t bet my life on it. Over the years I have experimented with and adopted many tools and techniques to help me deal with the issue.
5 strategies I use to read more
Even if reading is one of the best habits I have built, I haven’t always read a lot. Quite the opposite. How did I become a good reader? Looking back I found 5 strategies that helped me read more.
My weekly review: process and Notion template
The weekly review is one of the most important habits in my productivity system. It helps me reflect on how things are going, it gives me an overview, and keeps me on the path to my goals.
How and why I journal
Journaling is one of my longest-lasting habists. It pushes me to reflect, drives me to improve, and helps me be happier. Let’s see why and what’s my process.
My note-taking system — apps and Zettelkasten
The Zettelkasten method is the system I use to take notes. In this article I go into the details of the process I follow and the apps I use: Kindle, Pocket, Keep, Notion, Obsidian.
My addiction: how to detox from social media
Smartphones have changed the world and they are also changing ourselves. I found my smartphone addiction summarized in one image. Let’s try to understand the problem and what to do about it.
Taking effective notes: the Zettelkasten method
A Personal Knowledge Management system that helps stimulate understanding, remember the content you consume, and produce your own. These are the main reasons that led me to adopt the Zettelkasten.
The excuse of time
We’d like to do so many things. We have plans, desires, goals but time is never enough. What if we were looking from the wrong perspective and the problem wasn’t the time?
Why I don't keep up with the news (and why you should stop too)
I don’t keep up with the news. And there are good reasons for you to stop too.