Gianmarco David
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FIRE Starter
I (re)start my journey towards FIRE. No, I don’t want to burn to death. I mean the movement for Financial Independence & Retire Early.
How can you have an opinion?
A self-cathartic reflection on a doubt I’ve had recently: how does one form an opinion? (One worth believing in).
Making the right choices for the wrong reasons
I have a problem with intentions. But worse, I have a problem with people who give them too much importance and forget about the rest.
How to never fail
Are you afraid of failure? No problem, there is no such thing. Just learn to never fail.
Learning to have fun, *hard*
I don’t know how to have fun and probably you don’t either. I don’t mean we don’t know how to pass the time. I mean we do it in a non-optimal way. We need to learn to have fun, hard.
Learning to love your future self
You don’t love yourself. Or rather, you care about your present self but don’t give a damn about your future self. And this is true for me too. Why are we like this and what can we do about it?
How I learned to never forget anything
My memory is unreliable. I don’t forget everything, but I won’t bet my life on it. Over the years I have experimented with and adopted many tools and techniques to help me deal with the issue.
The excuse of time
We’d like to do so many things. We have plans, desires, goals but time is never enough. What if we were looking from the wrong perspective and the problem wasn’t the time?
Why I don't keep up with the news (and why you should stop too)
I don’t keep up with the news. And there are good reasons for you to stop too.