FIRE Starter
No, I don’t want to burn to death. I mean the movement for Financial Independence & Retire Early.
Yo peeps, and welcome to another issue of the ProtoNewsletter, where I share not only ideas, ravings, insights, and tips of dubious usefulness but also grammatical mistakes and odd phrasing. It’s been a while since the last time I’ve written one of these. I knew it had been a bit, but… years! Time flies when you’re having fun. In practice, there are some of you who signed up during the silence and then never received an email. You won’t even remember where the heck you encountered this newsletter. I expect a spike in unsubscriptions. I’ll get over it.
Anyway, today we talk about me beginning to document my path to FIRE.

Financial Independence Retire Early, FIRE, a movement I don’t even remember where or when I met. It must have been 10 years. Probably more. It doesn’t matter.
Summed up to the bone, the gist of the movement is: Make sure you have enough to cover your expenses so you don’t have to work anymore.
As far as I’m concerned, the most attractive part is the first two letters: being financially independent. Retiring early is a consequence of that, assuming you want to. Read more…